Heavy Metal Detox berlin

Toxin overload & heavy metal poisoning

Praxis Lemm is one of the top Clinics in Berlin specialised in heavy metal detox and chelate therapy.  We are exposed to environmental toxins all the time and so many of us have no idea how common and dangerous toxin overload and heavily metal poisoning is even the simplest of daily routines: pollutants can be found in the water we drink, food we eat, and air we breathe. In 2019, air pollution was considered by the World Health Organisation as the greatest environmental risk to health

Our liver, kidneys and lymphatic system play a major role in removing harmful compounds in our body . But as as our bodies have to deal with the growing number of toxins around us the detoxification systems can easily become overwhelmed, causing toxin overload and heavy metal poisoning. This happens when your body has taken in more toxins than it can process. Heavy Metal detox treatments help your body eliminate these toxins. 

Existing toxins in our body are from:

  • Harmful germs and parasites.
  • Heavy metals.
  • Medication.
  • Pesticides.
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Most common heavy metal detox questions


what are heavy metals?

You can categories metals into there main groups:

  1.  Highly toxic metals that are extremely harmful in the smallest amounts such mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic etc. 
  2. Metals not necessary for the body that can be tolerated in small quantities but very harmful in the large quantities such as aluminium, nickel etc. 
  3.  Minerals & metals that are trace elements necessary for the body in small amounts, but that can still be harmful in large amounts like iron, zinc, copper, calcium etc. 

They can occur in: air, food, water, building materials and pesticides. 

what are Toxins and pesticides?

The World health organisation monitors the food and water supply for toxins, and has found the highest concentration of toxins are derived from glyphosate (found in the pesticide Roundup). Roundup is commonly used to spray agriculture, highways, parks, and playgrounds to kill weed. 

Glyphosate is heavily concentrated in all animals and fish since their water supply and grass is heavily contaminated. The farm fed animals are also fed mostly heavily sprayed crops such as corn and soy which cannot naturally digest.  The World health organisation has discovered that all animals and fish now have the highest toxin load ever noted in history. Hence, when a person consumes animal protein (ie., meats, dairy products, eggs, fish) they are highly susceptible to extremely high exposure to many heavy metals (i.emercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, prions, and glyphosate which they cannot safely tolerated.  Consumption of non-organic produce, processed foods, condiments, and items rich in non-organic corn, soy, and wheat are also exposed to high levels of glyphosate and other dangerous pesticides.

Glyphosate is an antibiotic which kills a person’s healthy microbiome. It binds to critical minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins and prevents them from being bioavailable. Some toxins can be absorbed through your skin. Personal care products, like shampoos, make-up, perfumes, and lotions often contain parabens, formaldehyde, and phenoxyethanol (a stabilizer in many perfumes that’s very dangerous to infants and children.) As these products are absorbed, those toxins come into the body too.  Some toxins come in through your supplements, toothpaste, and medications since many of them contain gelatin. Gelatin is often contaminated with prions.

what are Diseases resulting from excess of heavy metals overload?

What are the Diseases Resulting from Heavy Metal Overload?

Heavy Metals in the body can block compete and displace healthy trace elements which leads to a disturbance in the formation of enzymes and hormones. Heavy Metal overload also increases oxidative stress and prevent our energy production (ATP in the mitochondria), which causes various discomforts and disease.

Associations with metal exposure have been found in the following diseases:

  1. Cancer.
  2. Arteriosclerosis (heart attack, stroke, pAVK).
  3. High blood pressure.

Connections with metal exposure are discussed for the following diseases:

  1. Allergies, hay fever.
  2. Degenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease).
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Autoimmune diseases (rheumatic diseases, multiple sclerosis).
  5. Fibromyalgia syndrome.
  6. Diabetes mellitus.

what are the symptoms of toxic overload

Toxic overload and heavy metal poisoning can cause a number of symptoms and changes in your body. In the early stages, your body tries to expel those toxins by any means necessary. You may experience diarrhea, sneezing or coughing fits, excessive urination, sore throat, heartburn, nasal congestion or runny nose (from mucus overproduction), or vomiting. Many people notice changes to their body odour or excessively oily skin as their bodies are acting to purge those toxins through their pores.

As the toxins gradually accumulate in your system, you may also experience:

  • Fatigue.
  • Memory difficulties.
  • Sleep impairment.
  • Eczema (and other inflammatory conditions like gout).
  • Depression.
  • Brain fog.

How can you detect for heavy metals?

  1. Basal urine (morning urine): suitable for the detection of radioactivity and thallium. 
  2. Provocation urine test: done after a infusion with appropriate chelating substances, the urine test is performed again after 1-2 hours which then can detect the heavy metals and deficiency of minerals and vitamins.
  3. Light spectrometric tissue measurement (OligoScan/Socheck), suitable for the detection of highly toxic heavy metals but also healthy trace elements such as iodine, magnesium, potassium and zinc. We highly recommend this diagnostic as it can prevent the side effects of deficiency symptoms of chelate.
  4. Whole blood analysis: heavy metals are very hard to detect in blood but if it is a very reliable marker of heavy metal exposure.

 what is chelation therapy?

Chelation therapy is the most popular heavy metal detox therapy used all around the world. Chelates are complex chemical compounds that bind the natural excretion (via urine and/or stool) of accumulated heavy metals in the body and eliminate them via the kidneys. The therapy has been used since the 1940s for acute poisoning by heavy metals.

There are two indications for chelation therapy:

  1. Detoxification –  removal of chronically accumulated heavy metals and radioactivity in the body with: DMPS, DMSA, Zn-DMSA, Zn-DTPA, Ca-DTPA, Ca-Na-EDTA.
  2.  Purification of arteries –  treatment of calcification of vessels (arteriosclerosis), with the highest prevalence in the heart or vessels in the legs, neck and brain with Mg-Na EDTA.

Risks & side effects of chelation

  1. Weeks after infusion: deficiency symptoms due to trace elements are observed in more than 50% of patients, especially when DMPS is administered. These side effects can be counteracted with the substitution of supplements as well as the one day delayed build-up infusion therapy with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace elements and glutathione (additional detoxification of chelates).
  2. There is a small risk of allergic reactions and/or toxin shock during the infusion.
  3. From 5 hours to days after the infusion the side effects (see below) occur due to reaction of remaining, not excreted heavy metals in the body: the generally known side effects are chills, mild heart pain, dizziness, aching limbs, fatigue, fever, and headache. In addition, if calcium metabolism is disturbed, for example, there would be cardiac arrhythmias, blood clotting disorders, acute renal failure, seizures, and cardiovascular arrest. In case of increased loss of zinc ions, the clinical picture of dermatoses should be mentioned.


Heavy metal detox treatment procedure



Medical History & Diagnostic

There are many, but not very reliable blood testing individually observed. Therefore, we have to bring our intuition next to the facts to be able to take in account all parameters, including medical history symptoms and your beliefs.

Mineral check up

It is necessary to see in advance which minerals are in deficient in your body  We use: Oligoscan/SoCheck or Mineral blood panel.

Preparing body for the chelat therapy

If you have the deficiency in minerals, it is necessary to take the supplements before chelation this can help prevent side effects of chelation.

Pesticide detox

Diagnosing and detoxing the pesticides is not compulsory, but it is recommendable.

Chelat Heavy Metal Detox

With the medical history, SoCheck/Oligoscan, urine and blood tests, we choose the type of chelation.

Urine heavy metal panel

After chelation your urine is sent to the laboratory to see which heavy metals are excreted.

Mineral infusions

In the following days the body should be supplied with the lost minerals which are taken out in the chelation therapy. We prepare mineral infusions individually. 

“The whole is more than the sum of its parts”                             



Blood results necessary for chelation


To enable optimal therapy, please send us in advance your current blood levels: hemoglobin, ferritin, CRP, GOT, GPT, Gama,GT, Creatinine, Potassium, Magnesium, Calciumy, Urea uric acid.

They are minimum blood values that allow us to make a heavy metal detox. If you do not have any up-to-date blood results you can do this at our clinic. 



Types of chelation in heavy metal detox THERAPY

There are different types of chelators and some chelators are better at removing certain metals than others are.



DMPS has been registered in Germany since 1997 under the name Dimaval (Heyl, Berlin). It was registered under the same name Dimaval in Taiwan in 2002.

DMPS is routinely used in clinical practice as a chelating agent of heavy metals, and is highly effective for the binding and elimination of arsenic, mercury and lead. Our routine is to use it as IV or shots in muscles. But it is available in capsule form for oral treatment. 

Successful clinical trials have been conducted in Germany, the USA (University of Rochester), the Iraq, Bangladesh and the Philippines.


Chelating agent ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Many papers report that CaEDTA is able mostly to chelate Pb-lead, and Cd-cadmium. The EDTA-metal chelate is water soluble and is typically excreted in the urine. It can form strong covalent bonds with the heavy metals and increase urinary excretion. It is very well-tolerated.


MgEDTA is Magnesium chelation and is used to clear the arteries and decrease the blockages in the arteries. This is suitable for patients who struggle with conditions such as strokes or heart attacks or circulations problem. “Cleansing of the arteries” has been scientifically proven and recognized in a study “TACT” published in 2012. 1,708 patients were treated and followed up with a multi-component magnesium EDTA chelate solution over an average of 4 years. The following were observed: mortality, myocardial infarction, and stroke. The final result showed a 25% reduction by chelation therapy, which showed a better outcome rate in contrast to conventional medicine.


znDTPA is a pharmacological product of the company HEYL. CaDTPA is potent to detox cesium and uranium which are radioactive substances. Also, gedolinium which is used as a contrast agent in diagnostic procedure MRI is possible to detoxify with CaDTPA. Gedolinium is known to harm our health if stays in the bo


DMSA is an effective heavy metal chelator that primarily chelates mercury. DMSA is generally well-tolerated if given as tablets or suppositories. Because of the safety and many reported negative experiences, we do not apply it as IV. We prefer other safer chelation which you can see on our list.


Types of heavy metals




Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust. Small amounts of aluminum can be found dissolved in water. Aluminum metal is light in weight and silvery-white in appearance. Also, you can find it in products like deodorants, disinfectants, preservatives of many food and baking powders. It is used in electronic and metal industries, then in wood preservatives, dental materials, and pharmaceuticals. 

Inhalation of aluminium dusts or fumes can result with the decreased functions of the nervous system. The nervous system disorders that can occur are: hyperactivity in children, poor concentration and memory, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.


Antimony has some useful but undoubtedly harmful effects on health and well-being and measures need to be taken to prevent hazardous exposure to it.  Antimony toxicity is dependent on the exposure dose, duration, route (breathing, eating, drinking, or skin contact), other chemical exposures, age, sex, nutritional status, family traits, life style, and state of health. Chronic exposure to antimony in the air at levels of 9 mg/m3 may exacerbate irritation of the eyes, skin, and lungs. Long-term inhalation of antimony can potentiate pneumoconiosis, altered electrocardiograms, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach ulcers.


Arsenic is a natural element that can be found in rocks and soil, water, air, and in plants and animals. People can also be exposed to arsenic in the environment from some agricultural and industrial sources. People who live near current or former industrial or agricultural sources of arsenic can be exposed to higher levels by inhaling fumes or eating contaminated food.

Both short- and long-term exposure to arsenic can also cause other health problems. For example:

  • Exposure to lower levels of arsenic over longer periods of time can cause skin changes, liver and kidney damage, and a shortage of red and white blood cells, which can lead to fatigue and an increased risk of infections.
  • Swallowing high levels of arsenic can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle weakness and cramping, skin rashes, and other problems.
  • Breathing in high levels of arsenic can cause a sore throat and irritated lungs.
  • Exposure to high enough amounts of arsenic can be fatal.
  • A metallic taste in the mouth and garlicky breath.
  • Problems swallowing.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Cramping muscles.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • Excess saliva.
  • Convulsions.
  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Hair loss.

Arsenic poisoning typically affects the skin, liver, lungs, and kidneys. In the final stage, symptoms include seizures and shock. This could lead to a coma or death.


Barium is a silvery-white metal that takes on a silver-yellow color when exposed to air. Barium occurs in nature in many different forms which are called compounds. They are solids, existing as powders or crystals, and they do not burn well. Two forms of barium, barium sulfate and barium carbonate, are often found in nature as underground ore deposits. Barium is sometimes found naturally in drinking water and food. Because certain barium compounds (barium sulfate and barium carbonate) do not mix well with water, the amount of barium that is usually found in drinking water is small. Barium compounds such as barium acetate, barium chloride, barium hydroxide, barium nitrate, and barium sulfide dissolve more easily in water but because they are not naturally found, they do not typically end up in drinking water unless the water is contaminated by barium compounds that are released from waste sites. Nowadays, barium is widely medically used, e.g. as X-ray agent.  

The health effects depend on how good the dissolubility of the barium compounds is in water or the stomach. Eating or drinking very large amounts of barium compounds that dissolve in water or in the stomach can cause changes in heart rhythm or paralysis in humans. Smaller amounts of barium for a short period could cause vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, difficulties in breathing, increased or decreased blood pressure and muscle weakness.


Cadmium is a toxic metal that accumulates in the atmosphere during a gradual erosion process and soil and rock abrasion caused by forest fires and volcanic eruptions. It can occur in cigarette smoke, ceramic glazes, waste incinerations, sewage sludge, metal pigment of cosmetics and dental fillings.

Cadmium accumulates in the body with age and has an extremely long biological half-life. Because of its long biological half-life of around 20 years, long-term toxicity is of particular interest. Also, short-term toxicity can be of interest. Cadmium has the affinity to accumulate not only in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas but also in the thyroid gland. It has been established that cadmium blood concentration correlates positively with its accumulation in the thyroid gland. Women of fertile age have higher cadmium blood and urine concentrations than men. In spite of its redox inertia, cadmium brings about oxidative stress and damage to the tissue by indirect mechanisms. 

Mitochondria are considered to be the main intracellular targets for cadmium. In male population, cadmium can cause the occurrence of increased cancer rate. Also, symptoms of poisoning with cadmium include: 

  • Respiratory problems.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Weakness.

 Colloid cystic goiteradenomatoid follicular hyperplasia with low-grade dysplasia and thyroglobulin hypo- and asecretion, and parafollicular cell diffuse and nodular hyperplasia and hypertrophy are often found in chronic cadmium toxicity.


Cesium is a naturally occurring element found combined with other elements in rocks, soil, and dust in low amounts. Naturally occurring cesium is not radioactive and is referred to as stable. A person can be exposed to low levels of stable or radioactive cesium by breathing air, drinking water or eating food containing cesium. Also, while working in industries that process or use natural cesium or its compounds. 

Acute radiation exposure, which is unlikely, has cell-damaging effects and syndromes like: vomiting, hemorrhage, diarrhea and coma.


Gadolinium is a contrast agent in conventional medicine radiology (CT, MRI), according to conventional medicine short residence time in the body-after years of diagnostics (urine) detection present.

Side effects of gadolinium-based contrast agents are often mild. The most common side effects include: injection site pain, nausea, rash, headaches and dizziness.

 Serious but rare side effects that can occur include: gadolinium toxicity and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, or NSF, are most often seen in patients with severe kidney problems.


Lead is a naturally occurring bluish-gray metal. Lead can be found in all parts of our environment. Lead may still be found in: some commercial products, some imported jewelry and candies, children’s toys, cosmetics, and folk, traditional or home remedies. We are exposed to lead in our house through the lead-based paint on the walls, doors and windows. Also, it can be found in tobacco smoke and used car batteries .

The health effects of lead are noticeable in the loss of appetite and depression.

 Lowest Exposure Dose to Lead is followed by the following symptoms: learning disability, decreased memory and verbal ability, ADHD, impaired speech and hearing and lower IQ. Then, symptoms in the case of low exposure dose are: irritability, lethargy, mild fatigue and occasional abdominal discomfort. In case a person was exposed to a moderated dose, the signs that could occur are:  difficulty concentrating or muscular exhaustibility, tremor, headache, vomiting, weight loss, arthralgia and constipation. High exposure dose can cause the symptoms like: colic, encephalopathy and paresis.


Mercury is the only common metal which is liquid at ordinary temperatures. It alloys easily with many metals, such as gold, silver, and tin which are called amalgams. Its free occurrence in nature is rare and it is mainly found in cinnabar ore. Mercury is a compound naturally as mercury salts or as organic mercury compounds.

Metallic mercury is a dense liquid not easily absorbed into unbroken skin. However, it vaporizes, even at room temperature. Mercury can be found in thermometers, vaccines such as Thimerosal, then in eye drops and contact lens fluids.

Main health effects of mercury on humans, simplified, are the following: 

  • Damage to brain functions; degradations that can develop are: poor concentration, impared vision and balance, personalit changes.
  • Negative reproductive effects, such as sperm damage, birth defects and miscarriages.
  • DNA damage and chromosomal damage.

Symptoms due to mercury exposure are: nausea, colic, trembling of the eyelids, strong metallic taste, stomach and intestinal inflammation, urinary problems, hallucinations and spasmodic pain.


Nickel is an abundant natural element and pure nickel is a hard, silvery-white metal. Most nickel is used to make stainless steel. Nickel can combine with other elements such as chlorine, sulfur, and oxygen to form nickel compounds which are used for nickel plating, to color ceramics, to make some batteries, and as substances known as catalysts that increase the rate of chemical reactions. It can be found in soil and emitted from volcanoes.

The most common effect that nickel can have on humans is an allergy reaction. If a person wears jewelry that contains nickel, the reaction that can occur is rash. In some sensitised persons dermatitis. Also, it can cause cross-allergies with cobalt and palladium. Another syndrome that can develop is enzyme dysfunctions.   

The most serious harmful health effects from exposure to nickel, such as chronic bronchitis, reduced lung function, and cancer of the lung and nasal sinus, have occurred in people who have breathed dust containing certain nickel compounds while working in nickel refineries or nickel-processing plants.


Palladium is a silver-white metal that is resistant to corrosion in air and action of acids. It has an ability to absorb hydrogen.  It occurs in gold filling, crowns, bridges, dental material and jewelry. 

Palladium may cause skin, eye or respiratory tract irritation. Palladium compounds are considered as highly toxic and carcinogenic. Symptoms of palladium poisoning include: allergies, weakness, tinnitus, muscle pain, increased saliva production, lymph nodes and headaches.


Platinum is a silvery metallic chemical element whose occurrence is with other metal ores associated with basic igneous rocks. 

Platinum has many uses. Its wear- and tarnish-resistance characteristics are well-suited for making fine jewelry. Platinum and its alloys are used in surgical tools, laboratory utensils, electrical resistance wires, and electrical contact points.

As metal it is not very dangerous, however platinum salts can cause effects, such as:

  • Damage to central nervous system and bone marrow.
  • Allergic reactions of the skin.
  • Hearing damage.
  • DNA alterations.
  • Cancer.


Strontium is a soft, silver-yellow, alkaline-earth metal. In nature it can be  found in rocks, soil, dust, coal, and oil. Naturally occurring strontium is not radioactive. The compounds of strontium are used in making ceramics and glass products, pyrotechnics, paint pigments, fluorescent lights, and medicines. It can be found in a small amount in water and food which is why it is important to include calcium and protein so as not to have bone problems. 

A health issue that can occur is related to the bone growth in children who eat and drink unusually high levels of strontium, if the diet is low in calcium and protein. The ordinary strontium salts are not harmful if inhaled or placed on the skin. Medically, radioactive strontium probes have been used to destroy unwanted tissues on the surface of the eye or skin. One of the symptoms that can develop in the case of strontium poisoning is hardening of tooth enamel and bones.


Thallium (Tl) is a naturally occurring, highly toxic heavy metal and has been reported to play no role in the metabolic activities of either plants or animals. Thallium is absorbed readily from the intestinal tract or through the skin; is distributed to all body tissues, although higher levels accumulate in the kidneys and liver; is excreted principally in feces and to a lesser extent in urine; and undergoes an enterohepatic cycle for resorption and excretion. Adverse effects due to thallium poisoning are usually delayed by 12 to 24 hours in acute poisoning and reach their maximum by the second or third week after exposure.

Transient nausea and vomiting (emesis) are seen first, followed by painful sensations in the arms/hands and legs/feet within 1 to 5 days (sometimes more).

Other effects include: visual effects; rapid heart rate and high blood pressure; abnormal heart rhythms; respiratory failure; unusual, painful, or burning sensations; muscle aches and weakness; headache; seizures, delirium, and coma; loss of appetite; excessive salivation; inflammation of the mouth, lips, and gums; possible green discoloration of urine shortly after exposure; kidney damage; breakdown of red blood cells; severe acne; and dry and crusty scaling of the skin.

Severe effects: possible damage to the nerves controlling the muscles of the head and neck (e.g., swallowing and eye movements) and also to the muscles that assist in breathing; possible heart damage to the point of being unable to support blood pressure; and loss of scalp hair (alopecia) that develops 2 to 3 weeks after exposure.


Tin is naturally occurring in the earth’s crust and it does not dissolve in water. Inorganic combinations of tin with chlorine, sulfur or oxygen are used in toothpaste, perfumes, soaps, food additive and dyes. Organotin compounds are used to make plastic pipes, pesticides, paints, and plastic repellents. 

Inorganic tin compounds can cause: stomachache, liver and kidney problems. Organotin compounds can be divided into acute and long term effects. Acute effects that can develop are: eye and skin irritations, headaches and urination problems.  Long term effects include: depression, malfunction of immune systems, sleeping disorders and chromosomal damage.


Uranium is naturally occurring and it is a radioactive substance. You can find it as a part of air, water, rocks and soil, but in the form of minerals and not as a metal. It is very much used in the nuclear industry.


Zirconium is a strong metal that  does not dissolve in acids and alkalis. It has low systemic toxicity as well as its salts. Symptoms that can occur in the case of zirconium poisoning are: Skin nodules, pulmonary granuloma, penetrate the blood-brain barrier and placenta. 

One of the radionuclides that is involved in atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons is Zirconium 95. Long lived radionuclides among which is Zirconium  will continue to produce increased cancer risk.