All for Health

Dr. Vesna Lemm photo

My name is Dr. Vesna Lemm. I am the founder of Mahakala Health Center. I have been working in medical field for almost 40 years. My mission is to improve your health and happiness through holistic medicine. My aim is to always find the root cause of my patients health problems and tailoring individual holistic treatments to their needs. 

Dr Vesna Lemm M.D, P.H.D

Qualified as a General Practitioner, Naturopath, Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, Midwife & Yoga Teacher


services we offer 

Mahakala Health Center is a private medical clinic for holistic and general medicine, as well as a public and privatre midwifery clinic specilised for pregnancy. 

Mahakala Health Center is founded by Dr. Vesna Lemm who is a holistic medicine expert and midwife. She specializes in female health, detox therapies, lyme disease treatment, TCM & acupuncture and nutrional theraphy. 

As Featured In





Medical Clinic

Treating your health with a Holistic approach.

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Midwife Clinic

Helping women have the most comfortable and safe pregnancy.

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Yoga & Pilates

Empower and soften your pregnancy journey with yoga & pilates courses

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  • Silvija HeineChef
  • Helena Pebe
  • Mira MedojevicTeacher

                                                            As seen in :


Working Hours

Only scheduled appointments
Monday - Friday

8:00 – 19:00

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