Individualized nutritional counseling

Individual nutritional counseling

Individual nutrinional counselling targets your nutrition type in a holistic way for achieving a general well-being.
Counselling is either based on scientific nutrition or Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ).

Even though their characteristics are opposite, they sometimes complement each other.

General nutritional counseling

General nutritional counselling from a scientific standpoint for
prevention and treatment of especially the following discomforts:

  • under or overweight
  • chronic tiredness
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes,gout etc.
  • after heart attack or stroke
  • circulatory problems

Nutrition counseling based on TCM

Nutrition councelling based on TCM for prevention and treatment of especially the following discomforts:

  • gastrointestinal problems
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • chronic tiredness
  • allergies to certain nutrients
  • all kinds of allergies
  • dermatological problems
  • chronic backpain and joints pain

My Advice

From my own experience with patients I recommend a nutritional councelling after taking an immunglobluline (Ig-G) anti-body bloodtest to identify harmful foods and give you an individualized concept, to enable you to have a deversified diet, despite imitations.